Tulse Hill -London
Tel : 07931 348 052

email : marysmailtherapy@yahoo.com


Dramatherapy with Myth and Fairytale – the Golden Stories of Sesame

Jenny Pearson, Mary Smail and Pat Watts, Jessica Kingsley Pubs, London 2013



Moving through a block in psychotherapy in Discovering the Self through Drama and Movement – The Sesame Approach, Ed Jenny Pearson,  Jessica Kingsley Pubs, London 1996

Sharing the Space Inside - One to one work with people with Learning Difficulties in Discovering the Self through Drama and Movement -The Sesame Approach, Ed Jenny Pearson,  Jessica Kingsley Pubs, London 1996

Open Sesame and the Soul Cave, The Routledge International Handbook of Dramatherapy, Routledge, London, 2016

Maps for Soulmaking - story enactment in psychotherapy, in Transformation in Troubled Times Chris Robertson & Sarah Van Gogh,  TransPersonal Press, 2018




The Story Chalice, Sesame Institute Journal, Sesame Institute October 2004

Soul, Sesame Institute Journal, Sesame Institute October 2002

Conditions of a Soul Pedagogy, Sesame Institute Journal, November 2010

Downloading Soul, Teaching paper April 2014


Something About Soul - publication 2018.