Tulse Hill -London
Tel : 07931 348 052

email : marysmailtherapy@yahoo.com


"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen!" Rumi

Mary Smail  HCPC, UKCP

SoulWorks UK - telling the untold story

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” 

 Maya Angelou


Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist (Re-Vision, London)

Dramatherapist (Sesame Drama and Movement Therapy) 

EMDR Therapist

Energy Psychotherapist



Clinical Supervision

EMDR Psychotherapy

Energy Psychotherapy

Self-esteem/Assertion training

Spiritual accompaniment

Soul-works sessions

Training: Psyche and Soma - Soul-Making through the Sesame Approach 


If you are ...


depressed or struggling with low self-worth

held back by inner critic attacks and conflicted by different parts of yourself

 concerned about relationships LGBTQ+ or straight

wondering about sexual orientation

wanting to be more creative

concerned about dyslexia or dyspraxia issues

wanting to think through a professional/work situation

wishing to explore spirituality or consider God-questions

hurt through misunderstanding in a church/religious situation

facing a diagnosis and dealing with areas of death, dying or loss

meeting the aging process of your parents or a loved elder

looking for practical ways to increase assertive communication

seeking professional supervision of your work with other people

wanting a space to listen to your soul

I am ready to meet you to see if we can work together to explore your story and the meaning it has for your future life.  I will provide a safe room or Zoom and confidential time for you to bring whatever issue you would like to explore. New opportunities usually come to us through what seems most challenging. The gift is to trust that there is more than we see - the Soul story may not yet have had any space to be heard and recognised.